Act IV | Love's Last Surprise: a tale of scandalous mercy (Ezekiel 16:53-63)

Preached on 9th December 2018 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 4 from ”Unrequited Love: A Tragedy in Four Acts”.

Sermon Notes

What is more humbling than disgrace?

1. God's mercy has a scandalous scope

2. God's mercy has a scandalous goal

3. God's mercy has a scandalous cost

Act III | Love Lost: a tale of dark disgrace (Ezekiel 16:35-52)

Preached on 2nd December 2018 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 3 from ”Unrequited Love: A Tragedy in Four Acts”.

Sermon Notes

Three ugly truths about the judgement we deserve

1. God’s judgement exposes an ugly truth v35-43

What we really are, but for God’s grace

• Naked

• Helpless

2. God’s judgement ridicules an ugly pretence v44-52

How we really compare, but for God’s grace

3. God’s judgement cries out for an ugly solution v41,42

What we really deserve, but for God’s grace

Act II | Love Scorned: a tale of callous betrayal (Ezekiel 16:15-34)

Preached on 25th November 2018 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 2, from Unrequited Love: A Tragedy in Four Acts

Sermon Notes

What idolatry isn’t

• Sexual sin

• “Loving good things too much”

Three signs of a sin-sick heart:

1. We forget our rags

A lingering hardness towards God’s grace

2. We abuse God’s riches

A habitual pull towards the immediate and the material

3. We never have enough

A chronic incapacity for thankful contentment

Psalm 16: Words to die well with

Preached on 11th November 2018 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 16, from:Psalms | Book 1: Christ's battle for the kingdom

Sermon Notes

On apostolic rabbits and Old Testament hats…

Peter: Acts 2:25-32

Paul: Acts 13:34-39

A unified theme: the joy of Yahweh’s King in His lord and saviour

1. Jesus died with His trust in God’s Lordship

2. Jesus died with His joy in God’s goodness

3. Jesus died with His eyes on God’s face

4. Jesus died with God’s people on His lips