8. The church that killed with kindness (1 Timothy 5:1-16)

Preached on 17th March 2019 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 8, from:1 Timothy | Our Charge

Sermon Notes

A caring family commends Jesus to the world:

• Serve the servants

• Don’t indulge the indulgent!

1. When a widow isn’t a widow…

• Circumstances

• Heart

2. When kindness isn’t kind…

i. When it damages the dependent

ii. When it neglects the needy

iii. When it disgusts the decent

iv. When it releases the responsible

v. When it robs the rescuers

6. What God has joined Together (1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Preached on 3rd March 2019 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 6, from: 1 Timothy | Our Charge

Sermon Notes:

Sermon 1: “Move on, nothing to see here!”

Problem: who is the Servant?

• In Acts 6?

• In the wider New Testament?

• In the context of 1 Timothy?

Sermon 2: Three things Paul holds closely together

1. Leadership and the master’s voice

2. Leadership and the master’s death

3. Leadership and the led

5. Elders in the dog house (1 Timothy 3:1-7)

Preached on 3rd February 2019 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Sermon 5, from: 1 Timothy | Our Charge

Sermon Notes:

God wants leaders who will bring up his children without disgracing the family:

  1. Character, not charm

  2. people, not polity

  3. fathers, not bullies

  4. Teachers, not titles

  5. Battling, not perfection

    1. For men who aspire to lead…

    2. For Christians who long to be led…