Psalm 27: An invitation to beauty

Preached on 10th November 2019 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Psalms | Book 1: Christ's battle for the kingdom

Sermon Notes:

Psalm 27: An invitation to beauty

When the world is dark & fearful, stay your heart on the beauty of God

1. How our Messiah clung to God’s beauty

a. He preached it to his heart v1-6

God’s beauty dazzles out the darkness (1-3)

God’s beauty crowds out earthly longings (4-6)

b. He pleaded for it with his Father v7-12

c. He proclaimed it to his people v13-14

2. How to find what He found

Psalm 26: Trusting Feet

Preached on 27th October 2019 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Psalms | Book 1: Christ's battle for the kingdom

Sermon Notes

Psalms, Book I | Christ’s Battle for the Kingdom

Psalm 26: Trusting Feet

1-3 The king’s appeal lodged

4-7 The king’s evidence submitted

8-12 The king’s hope revealed

God vindicates…

1. …every step that’s walked with him

2. …every Sunday spent praising him

3. …every soul that longs for him