9. Make love, not prayers (1 Corinthians 7:1-9)

Preached on 11th October 2020 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The ninth talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Sermon Notes:

Good, better, best:  a game of Spiritual Twister

A reassuringly complicated response

How do we “glorify God in our body”?

1. If God has given you marriage: make love, not prayers! (v1-7)

  • The command: a cross-shaped bedroom (v3-4)

  • The concession: a cautious exception (v5-6

  • Unwrap your own gift! (v7)

2. If God has given you independence:
 be wise about your weakness! (v8-9)

8. The worth of your body (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Preached on 4th October 2020 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The eight talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Sermon Notes:

On the love of our bodies...

Christianity: an earthy, bodily religion.

1. What you’ve got wrong (12-14)

  • Your life is more significant than you realise.

2. What you don’t know (15-17)

  • Your relationships are more powerful than they feel.

3. What it means now (18-20)

  • Your body is ‘you’, but not ‘yours.’

    • So flee...

    • So glorify...

7. A crash course in anti-evangelism (1 Corinthians 6:1-11)

Preached on 27th September 2020 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The seventh talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Sermon Notes:

A tragedy: Christians who don’t know where they’ve come from,
or where they are going.

How might we become non-verbal heretics?

1. What we tell the world

– “We don’t believe in the last judgement”

  • church is a place full of squabbles (v1-6)

– “We don’t believe in the cross”

  • church is a place for the strong (v7-8)

2. What we tell ourselves

– “We don’t believe in the last judgement”

  • Jesus doesn’t care about wrong (v9-10)

– “We don’t believe in the cross”

  • Jesus doesn’t know how to wash (v11)

6. How to Shock an Apostle (1 Corinthians 5)

Preached on 20th September 2020 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The sixth talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Sermon Notes:

The real scandal in Corinth:

  • One Corinthian disease, right through the letter

  • How do chapters 5 & 6 relate to it?

Dealing with sin in the church is hugely painful… so why bother?

1.  Some real ‘judgement’: A loving heart (v1-5)

  • For his sake:  your love for the sinner demands it

2.  Some real ‘knowledge’: A fresh start (v6-8)

  • For your sake:  the health of God’s temple demands it

3.  Some real ‘spirituality’: A brotherly part (v9-13)

  • For the world’s sake:  the mission you share demands it

5. Our Embarrassing Father (1 Corinthians 4)

Preached on 13th September 2020 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The fifth talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Sermon Notes:

A paternity test…

1.  When do we want our approval? (1-5)

– A true child of Paul…cares for Jesus’ ultimate verdict on his heart, not that of others now.

2.  What do we think of as success? (6-18)

– A true child of Paul… boasts in nothing more or less than the message Paul was trusted with  (6-7).

A true child of Paul… is willing to “lose” now, knowing that everything they have, they received  (8-13).

3.  Where do we look for our examples? (14-21)

A true child of Paul… follows his ways, not just his words.

4. Two Ways to Smell

Preached on September 6th 2020 by Rupert Hunt Taylor

Worth and Worship: Humanity Rediscovered

First Reading:  Mark 7:5-8

Second Reading:  Amos 5:21-24

Third Reading: Hebrews 12:28–13:16

Sermon Notes:

  1. When does worship make the heavens stink?

    - When we barge in, filthy and proud

      • Liturgy

      • Lives

  2. When does worship make our Father smile?

    - When the crucified one fills our lips and our love

      • Liturgy

      • Lives

3. The Exhausted Soul

Preached on August 30th 2020 by Rupert Hunt Taylor

Worth and Worship: Humanity Rediscovered

First Reading: Genesis 1:31-2:3

Second reading: Hebrews 3:12-4:11

Sermon Notes:

  1. Human souls need rest

  2. Jesus gives rest to the weary

  3. We rest in him through worship

[Please enjoy the sound of authentic Scottish seagulls, added into the background of this sermon at no extra cost.]

2. The Torn Photograph

Preached on August 23rd 2020 by Rupert Hunt Taylor

Worth and Worship: Humanity Rediscovered

Sermon Notes:

Stitching the fabric of creation back together…

  1. A Joyful Gathering: At the heart of this universe is a joyful celebration.

  2. An Aching Rift: That gathering is a dangerous place to be if you don’t belong.

  3. A Spiritual Homecoming: God gives his lost children ways to come home.