22. Love, to the loveless shown (1 Corinthians 13)

Preached on Sunday 13th June 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Our twenty-second sermon in the series "How to win at Christianity" .

A beautiful insult…

  • The heart of Paul’s argument concerning gifts (Ch 12-14)

  • The heart of Paul’s argument with the Corinthians

1. “Giftedness" without love (v1-3)

2. “Love" without content (v4-7)

3. “Maturity” without Jesus (v8-13)

21. On love, value, and usefulness (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

Preached on Sunday 6th May 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Our twenty-first sermon in the series "How to win at Christianity" .

Seeing things as they really are: v12-14

Think ‘We’, not ‘Me”

1. “They don’t need me” people: v15-20

God values you for more than your usefulness

2. “I don’t need them” people: v21-26

God’s work in you goes deeper than your usefulness

Learning to love God’s value system: v27-31

Be zealous for the things you have, that serve others

20. Informed Spirituality (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

Preached on Sunday 30th May 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Our twentieth sermon in the series "How to win at Christianity" .

The secret to the Spiritual Realm?

  • What we want to talk about

  • What they wanted to talk about

  • What Paul wanted to talk about

True Spirituality shows…

1. …in what we confess about Jesus (v1-3)

Don’t confuse it with what dumb demons demand.

2. …not in the jobs we do for Jesus (v4-11)

Don’t confuse it with what proud people praise.

19. When church does more harm than good (1 Corinthians 11:17–34)

Preached on 9th May 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Our nineteenth sermon in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

1. The problem all could see: A church they’d despised (17-22)

2. The problem Paul could see: A death they’d forgotten (23-26)

3. The problem they should have seen: A body they’d defiled (27-32)

4. The answer Jesus gives: One family, gathered round the cross (33-34)

18. Beautiful (no matter what they say): 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Preached on 2nd May 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Our second week digging into a tricky but profoundly helpful passage,
and our eighteenth talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Men and Women have been created differently, with a relational order we should honour and visibly express — especially (but not only) when we worship before a watching cosmos.

1. Shame: What is beautiful can become ugly. (v3-6)

2. Glory: What seems ugly should be our beauty. (v7-12)

3. Decency: What feels arbitrary is often rooted in nature. (v13-16)

4. Deep and joyful obedience: what would it look like?

  • Outward display

  • Inward demeanour

17. On hats, hearts, and being human (1 Corinthians 11:2-16)

Preached on 25th April 2021 by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

The seventeenth talk in the "How to win at Christianity" series.

Clearing the ground...

Communicative clothing

Complexity and clarity

Context: the glory of God

Recognising our assumptions...

  1. Hats or hair?

  2. Women or wives?

  3. Church or world?

  4. Lecturer or Lord?

Men and Women have been created differently, with a relational order we should honour and visibly express — especially (but not only) when we worship before a watching cosmos.

"Don't be Afraid" (Luke 4:38 - 5:15)

Preached on Sunday 18th April 2021, by Peter Dickson.

A one-off sermon on Luke 7:36-50

Sermon Notes:

“Don’t be afraid” — why not?

1. Resolute purpose in the midst of chaos (4:38-44)

“That is why I was sent”

2. Revealed truth in the midst of life (5:1-11)

“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man”

3. Reversal of death in a fallen world (5:12-16)

“Be clean!”

Psalm 41: The King Who Cares

Preached on Sunday 11th April 2021, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor.

Psalms | Book 1: Christ's battle for the kingdom

Sermon Notes:

v1-3. The Good God:
God blesses those who share his care.

v4-10. The Good King:
The caring king, in need of a caring God.

v11-13. The Good News:
God delights in his king, and upholds him forever.