10. The Well is Deep (John 4:1-26)

Preached on Sunday 22nd May 2022, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor

The tenth sermon of our series in the Gospel of John: From the Father’s Heart

If only you knew the Gift of God!

• “Living water”?

• Satisfaction?

• Cleansing?

• Eternal life?

• The Holy Spirit?

• True, spiritual worship?

1. What Jesus gives to us: Not just benefits, but a bridegroom

The Gift: Christ himself, though his Spirit, with every blessing in his hands

  • Christ alone possesses the Spirit “without measure”, and every gift of the Father is placed in his hands (3:34-35)

  • God himself is “living water” his people need (Jer 2:13)

  • Drink from Christ, receive the living water of his Spirit (7:37, 39)

So What: No a ‘second blessing’, but more of Jesus

2. What Jesus wants for us: Not just mercy, but a marriage

A thirst we never knew we had: a temple for honest sinners to worship in

9. Here Comes the Bride! (John 4:1-26)

Preached on Sunday 15th May 2022, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor

The ninth sermon of our series in the Gospel of John: From the Father’s Heart

Listen for the wedding bells…

The shocking bride: From heaven he came and sought her
The shocking gift: …to be his holy bride!

So how wide is Jesus’ great ‘whoever’?  (3:16)

The scandalous bride Christ loves and redeems:

  1. Discarded

  2. Disgraced

  3. Disinterested

  4. Desperate

  5. Dirty

Water that brings beauty out of brokenness (Ezek 47:1-12)

7. The most shocking verse in the Bible (John 3:16-21)

Preached on Sunday 3rd April 2022, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor

The seventh sermon of our series in the Gospel of John: From the Father’s Heart

1. “For” | The shocking result of God’s love (16a)

The giving over to death of his only Son

2.“World” | The shocking reach of God’s love (16a)

This entire, dark, God-hating world

3. “Whoever” | The shocking reason for God’s love (16b-17)

The salvation of anyone… who looks with faith at the cross

• A very moral man? (3:1-15)

• A very immoral woman? (4:7-42)

4. “Loved” | The shocking response to God’s love (18-21)

The rejection of goodness, or the embrace of exposure