Preached on Sunday 5th March 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The twentieth sermon of our series in the Gospel of John:
From the Father’s Heart
1. His way is not what we want to hear 1-9
2. His way is brave, beautiful, and full of love 10-13
Preached on Sunday 5th March 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The twentieth sermon of our series in the Gospel of John:
From the Father’s Heart
1. His way is not what we want to hear 1-9
2. His way is brave, beautiful, and full of love 10-13
Preached on Sunday 19th February 2023 by Rob Cardew, our minister in training
A one-off sermon
1. A Survival Strategy 11-12
2. Suffering for Christ 13-20
3. Suffering like Christ 21-25
Preached on Sunday 12th February 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The ninth sermon of our series in the book of Esther:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Remember, rehearse, and rejoice in your rest!
• Says Mordecai (20-22)
• Say all God’s people everywhere (23-28)
• Say God’s ‘priest’ and ‘king’ together (29-32)
… Because the Good God still holds the dice
… Because his Good King still holds the future
Preached on Sunday 5th February 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The eighth sermon of our series in the book of Esther:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
1. In every corner of the world, 8:3-17
the great unwind of sorrow is decreed
2. In every human heart, 9:1-19
the great destruction of hatred is delivered
Preached on Sunday 29th January 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The seventh sermon of our series in the book of Esther:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
1. A queen who ties her fate to her people
2. A king who ties his honour to his bride
3. A traitor who ties his noose around his neck
In this God’s world…
• his justice will always be wonderfully fitting
• his Son will always be wonderfully favoured
• his honour will always be wonderfully upheld
Preached on Sunday 222nd January 2023 by Gavin McGrath, a member of our congregation
A one-off sermon
1. Here is how to see your identity right now 1-5
• Because of the gospel (10-12)
• So, stand firm in it (5:12)
2. Here is how to interpret your experience right now 6-8
• Because of the gospel (10-12)
• So, stand firm in it (5:12)
Preached on Sunday 15th January 2023, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor
The sixth sermon of our series in the book of Esther:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
1. Providence: 1-5
God orders all things with beautiful timing
2. Pride: 6-9
God allows human egos to beautifully bloat
3. Pleasure: 10-14
God honours his own with a beautiful delight
Preached on Sunday 8th January 2023 by Rob Cardew, our minister in training
The fourth sermon in an occasional series in Ephesians
1. The Church Without Christ 11-13
2. The Church Made by Christ 14-18
3. The Church in Christ 19-22