14. Incorruptible Love (Ephesians 6:10-24)

Preached on Sunday 26th November 2023 by Rob Cardew, our minister in training.

The fourteenth sermon in an occasional series in Ephesians.

1. Stand together

2. Stay alert

Five things the Devil wants to destroy:

i. The Word of God and its reliability

ii. The character of God and his generosity

iii. The righteousness of God and his absolute dependability

iv. The enjoyment of God and its abundant pleasures

v. The fellowship of the people of God and its harmony and unity

3. Put on God’s armour

4. Pray for each other

12. Jesus in our Family (Ephesians 6:1-4)

Preached on Sunday 12th November 2023 by Rob Cardew, our minister in training.

The twelfth sermon in an occasional series in Ephesians.

1. Being a Christian in your family

2. Being joined to Jesus transforms your family role

i. Tenderness

ii. Discipline

iii. Instruction

1. Be involved in verbally instructing our children (keep talking to them).

2. Regularly leading them in family devotions and prayer (minister to the family).

3. Monitor and take responsibility for the input that enters their impressionable


4. Taking responsibility to help assure that church is a meaningful experience.

5. Be an example. We must make sure that the open book of our lives—our

example—demonstrates the reality of our instruction, for in watching us they

will learn the most.

3. Being a family that shares and serves Jesus

3. Rome (Acts 28:11-31)

Preached on Sunday 29th October 2023 by Gavin McGrath, a member of our congregation.

The third of a three sermon series: The Church in Acts: what, who and why?

1. The storms of human events cannot stop the Lord Jesus growing his church!

i. Storms of every kind (vv.11-13)

ii. Yet there are ‘brothers and sisters’ already (vv.14-16)

iii. Rejection by some, acceptance by others (vv.17-29)

2. The church of Jesus both subverts and answers the longings of Rome

i. A welcome (v.30)

ii. A message (v.31)

3. The church of Jesus has not stopped with Rome

iii. Luke’s brevity and Luke’s point

iv. The ongoing story…including us

2. Antioch (Acts 11:19-29 and 13:1-3)

Preached on Sunday 22nd October 2023 by Gavin McGrath, a member of our congregation.

The second of a three sermon series: The Church in Acts: what, who and why?

1. The church is attacked but attacks never ultimately win (11:19-21)

2. The church is strengthened by the grace of God (11:22-30)

3. The church is a wonderfully diverse people - even if this is complicated

(13:1-5; 15:1-5)

4. The church sends out people in the Spirit with the gospel (13:2-3)

For us at ENC now:

• …Let’s look for unexpected opportunities even in hard times

• …Let’s pray we increasingly be a grace-filled church

• …Let’s ask questions about our ‘culture’ and if we are welcoming outsiders

• …Let’s continue to be a sending out church