7. Working by Wisdom (James 3:1-18)

Preached on Sunday 3rd July 2022 by Rob Cardew

The seventh sermon in an occasional series on the book of James: No Direction Home

Sermon Notes:

1. The tongue is a small tool used for big things (1-12)

I. The tongue is something that guides (v.2-4)

II. The tongue is something that is powerful (v.5b-8)

III. The tongue is something that produces different things (v.9-12)

2. The tongue is a great tool used in the right way (13-18)

Living the Blessed Life (Matthew 5:1-12)

Audio Block
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Preached on Sunday 19th June 2022 by Matthew Baines

A one-off sermon

Sermon Notes:

  1. #Blessed

  2. Three important principles

  3. Blessings

    1. The poor in spirit

    2. The mourners

    3. The meek

    4. The hungry and thirsty for righteousness

    5. The merciful

    6. The pure in heart

    7. The peacemakers

    8. The persecuted

  4. Be Glad and Rejoice

12. Saviour of the Superficial (John 4:43-54)

Preached on Sunday 5th June 2022, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor

The twelfth sermon of our series in the Gospel of John:
From the Father’s Heart

1. The strangest ‘So’ in the Bible: 43-48

When mankind is at its most superficial and selfish,
Jesus gives himself.

2. The kindest ‘No’ in the Bible: 49-54

When life is at its most real and raw,
Jesus gives his word.

11. Ripe Rejoicing (John 4:27-42)

Preached on Sunday 29th May 2022, by Rupert Hunt-Taylor

The eleventh sermon of our series in the Gospel of John: From the Father’s Heart

1. What the uncertain evangelist has 27-30, 39-42

2. What the unpromising apostles lack 31-38

  • Look at the love willed in eternity

  • Look at the calendar written into your Bible

  • Look at the joy waiting for you in the world