Children's Ministry
“These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
Children are important at Edinburgh North Church. Sunday Club children (up to Primary 6, age 10) stay in church for the start of the service and then leave for their activities. They have Bible songs, teaching, games, and crafts. We have a Creche for babies and toddlers where they can play and hear Bible stories. Creche meets in the room with the Sunday Club, so the toddlers can choose to join in the Sunday Club singing and other activities as they feel ready for that morning. Our Diggers Group (Primary 7 to Senior 2, age 11 - 13) meets together at the start of the morning service. They read through the Bible passage on which the coming sermon will be based to prepare to join us all as we listen to the sermon. Older teens stay in the main church service, meeting afterwards to consider practical applications and any questions.
We aim to give all our children an enjoyable, safe environment to form close friendships and, most importantly, learn what it means to follow Jesus. We try to make Sunday feel very different from school — it's fun! — but we take Bible teaching seriously.