And the word became flesh and dwelt among us…
A family of the Lord Jesus Christ, learning to love and serve him in north Edinburgh.
Formed in 2015, we're a church family who love the gospel - the good news about Jesus Christ. On Sundays, we meet, sing, pray, share the Lord’s Supper, enjoy each other's company, and take the Bible seriously.
Come along one Sunday morning. We love to welcome visitors. We are people of all ages and stages in life.
Together we want to grow more and more like Jesus Christ, whose gospel is the best news we've ever heard!
SUNDAY MORNINGS: click for map
10.30 am | The LifeCare Centre
2 Cheyne Street, Edinburgh EH4 1JB
In our morning worship, we draw close to Jesus together as he feeds his family through Word and Sacrament
SUNDAY EVENINGS: click for map
5.00 pm, term time | The LifeCare Centre
2 Cheyne Street, Edinburgh EH4 1JB
We close our Lord’s Day together by sharing food, songs, a short talk, and small group bible study.
The heart of everything for us is the life-changing news about the holy and loving God
who stooped down in the person of his son, Jesus Christ, to call people back into a relationship with him. Through the cross, Jesus took on our sin and shame. Through his resurrection, we can share in his life and joy. While we wait for his return to rule and restore his world, Jesus’ Spirit is already at work in his people.
In common with believers worldwide and down the ages, we joyfully affirm the ancient creeds and confessions of the Christian Church. A more comprehensive summary of our beliefs can be found in The Westminster Confession
As a Presbyterian church, we are partners with a wider family of congregations called the Didasko Presbytery
“Him we proclaim... that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
people here to serve in Jesus’ name…
Stephen Ballingall -Minister
Stephen was inducted as the minister of ENC in October 2024.
Married to Lynn, they have two young sons. He worked as an artisan baker for 7 years prior to training for ministry. He trained at the Tron Church in Glasgow, completing the Cornhill Scotland Pastors’ Training Course and a Master’s in Theology.
A proud native of Glasgow, he is looking forward to life in the east.
James mackenzie - Elder
James has been around since ENC was established. James and his wife, Beccie, have four children. James is a solicitor and is employed by a large financial institution. He is also a Trustee of UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship).
peter dickson - elder
Peter works at Cornhill in Scotland, where he helps train students in ministry. He has been at ENC since 2015 and was previously involved with UCCF in Scotland. Peter is a Presbyterian minister and spent over twenty years in Aberdeen. He is married to Eleanor and they have two grown-up children and a granddaughter.
graeme williamson - elder
Graeme has been an elder at ENC since its inception in 2015. Married to Christine, he spent many years in Edinburgh working in financial services. Upon early retirement, he now mixes his time between serving in the church, treasurer of Cornhill, Scotland, enjoying rounds of golf, and drinking coffee and eating scones
Fiona - secretary
Fiona looks after admin for the church, and generally holds the roof up. If you have a question, she'll put you in touch with the right person!
Gavin McGrath - Elder
Gavin and his wife, Janet, arrived at ENC in 2022. A retired Church of England minister, he served churches in Durham, Sheffield, London, and, most recently, Sevenoaks. Additionally, he was a lecturer in Theology at a theological college in the USA and, later, as adjunct lecturer at Oak Hill College, London. He is a keen photographer and slow runner and cyclist. Gavin and Janet have three children and five grandchildren.
emma - children’s ministry
Emma oversees our children’s ministry and is our safeguarding officer. She has been at ENC from the very start. Married to Kevin, they have three children.